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Manpower, Health and Work Safety

Fortune Group is committed to managing its human resource assets by focusing on quality development, as well as constantly practicing responsible labor practices. This effort is reflected in the employment policy that comprehensively takes into account the aspects of equality and justice for all of Fortune Group’s employees. The policy is not only formulated to prevent accidents and illnesses at work, but also to emphasize a sense of responsibility in creating a conducive working environment.


Fortune Group’s responsibilities towards manpower have been implemented since the beginning of and during the recruitment process. Throughout 2016, all of the recruitment processes were carried out transparently, equally and responsibly. The opportunity to become an employee of Fortune Group is widely available for the whole community regardless of their gender, religion, race, or physical condition.

After going through rigorous selection processes, candidates will be given comprehensive information on the employment contract as well as the available benefits. The employment contract and the benefits that are granted have been drafted according to governmental regulations and Law, as well as internal management protocols.

All of the employees who have of officially joined Fortune Group are given equal opportunity to advance in their career paths. Applicable training and competence development are equally distributed through supervised and organized implementation. To ensure that the employees are developing positively, FORU has established a periodic evaluation system that is conducted fairly in accordance to their roles, duties and performance during certain periods.

Fortune Group always supervises and involves all of its employees to take care and remind each other on kindness. All activities are carried out with mutual respect, tolerance, and in accordance to the prevailing norms. In carrying out their daily activities, employees are not permitted to use offensive words or to show offensive behavior, to show discrimination, to violate human rights, or to humiliate a person’s spiritual values. Fortune Group is against hiring underage children or forcing employees to work under the minimum wage that can harm their physical, mental, and moral development.

Fortune Group has also developed preventive schemes and standards according to appropriate norms and regulations to overcome discrimination or harassment cases. All employees’ data and information is maintained with a high level of con dentiality, so that the rights of all parties are well protected.


In order for employees to be constantly active, creative and productive in carrying out their tasks, their health must always be prioritized. Therefore, Fortune Group facilitates their employees with regular sport activities that are held each week, which include badminton, yoga, and zumba. Fortune Group also constantly reminds its employees to maintain their health and perform preventive measures, through a medical check up program that was conducted on November 29, 2016. The medical check-up involved blood tests to detect cholesterol levels and the potential of uric acid.

Besides facilitating employees with preventive measures to maintain their health, FORU also facilitates protection to its employees and their familities in the form of health insurance from the Healthcare and Social Security Agency (BPJS). This progressive facility includes insurance coverage for outpatient or inpatient services including coverage for employees and their wives during pregnancy. The entire facilities were given to the employees as mandated by the Employment Act.


According to the Minister of Public Works Regulation regarding the Technical Requirements for Fire Protection System in Buildings and the Environment, every corner of Fortune Group’s working environment is equipped with various safety equipment and tools such as Fire Extinguishers, Diesel Pumps and Emergency Staircases. The usage of all of these safety devices is closely supervised and the devices are periodically inspected to ensure that these devices are ready to use when needed.

In addition to equipment, Fortune Group also builds employees’ awareness on potential disasters. Fortune Group regularly educates all employees to ensure that every employee fully understands the safety processes that need to be undertaken to survive.Fortune Group also installs re safety plans and operational procedures in every room and every floor of the building.