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Ethic Code

In order to improve the implementation of GCG, FORU has formulated guidelines and ethical guidelines called ‘Fortuner Guidelines’ as the foundation for every Fortuner in interacting with stakeholders and fellow Fortuner. FORU is confident that by implementing the GCG gradually and consistently, it will improve and influence the mindset, attitudes, and behavior of every Fortuner. Fortuner Guideline has been in effect since 2002. In order to realize good and sustainable implementation of GCG, the guideline should be adhered to by every Fortuner, which covers the entire Board of Directors, as well as employees.

Fortuners Guideline consists of 9 items covering:

  1. Initiative – Do not wait for orders – Take initiative on your own
  2. Plan – Execute, Once initiated, finish it
  3. Ideas – Be the fount of ideas
  4. Cooperator – Establish cooperation with others
  5. Open – Prepared listener finds a better way
  6. Principled – Willing to find the most correct opinion
  7. Lead – Take a pole position
  8. Take the hard task – Likes challenge
  9. Integrity – His word can be marked