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Social and Community Development

Along with a strong commitment to conduct a business based on good governance and best practices, Fortune Group realizes that the company sustainability cannot be separated from external factors such as social and environmental ones. On this basis, Fortune Group is also committed to fulfill its social responsibility towards the community and the surrounding environment. The commitment is based on the understanding that the company’s existence cannot be separated from the role to contribute to society and the environment.

Some of the elements underlying this commitment are:

  • CSR is part of the implementation of good corporate governance
  • Global demands toward the implementation of good and equitable CSR
  • Increase public attention towards business ethics and accountability
  • Expectation that the company and the surrounding environment can grow together side by side

In terms of regulation, the implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) for public companies has been governed by Bapepam-LK through Bapepam Rule No. X.K.6 regarding the Submission of Annual Report for Public Company. The regulation becomes the foundation as well as guideline for Fortune Group in realizing good and equitable social responsibility in all aspects. Under the Attachment of Chairman of Bapepam-LK No. Kep-431/BL/2012 dated August 1, 2012; the implementation of corporate social responsibility must meet the following aspects:

  • Social and community development
  • Environment
  • Practices of employment and occupational health and safety
  • Responsibility for the product or service

From these four aspects, the implementation of Fortune Group’s CSR places more emphasis on the aspects of social and community as well as the environment. However, this does not mean that Fortune Group sets aside the vital role of other aspects. To realize a sustainable business, Fortune Group is fully committed to promote the four aspects equally in coming years.

The CSR program of Fortune Group for social and community development is focused on improving the quality of education and community development. Through these two efforts, Fortune Group has a goal to improve the quality of life so as to create a better society. This objective has become the foundation of the establishment of Fortune Nursery in Pondok Pinang in 2008 Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini/PAUD , focused on early childhood education (2-4 years).

After the success of Fortune Nursery in Pondok Pinang, in 2012 Fortune Group decided to open another Fortune Nursery in Ragunan. Inaugurated on May 15, 2012, Fortune Nursery has operated from February 2012 and already has 9 teachers and 57 students as of this writing. Throughout 2012, Fortune Group has executed Fortune Nursery program in accordance with the approved provisions and program. The total funds that have been spent amounted to more than IDR 100.5 million.

In addition to focusing on the implementation of early childhood education, other CSR activities in the field of education also include scholarships for the children of non-staff Fortuners who excel in learning. The scholarship amounts to IDR 15 million in totals and given to 4 children of Fortuners (Fortune Group employees), who earn the best grade among the other applicants in primary and secondary schools.