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Our Companies

PT Fortune Indonesia Tbk

Established in 1970, when Mochtar Lubis affiliated with Fortune International Australia, under the name of PT Fortune Indonesia Advertising Company (Fortune).

In 2002 Fortune once again made history as the first advertising company in Indonesia to go public, by listing its shares on the Jakarta Stock Exchange (now the Indonesia Stock Exchange). Fortune continued to prove itself as the client’s first choice as an integrated communication developer consultant and since continue with the name of PT Fortune Indonesia Tbk.

PT Fortune Pramana Rancang

2016 represents the year of revitalization for PT FORTUNE PRAMANA RANCANG (FORTUNE PR). All of Fortune PR’s business units merged into a single unit and enabled Fortune PR to provide Public Relations-based Integrated Communication Solution services in a more solid state.

Along with the rapid industrial demand in the midst of an increasingly comprehensive digitalization era, the need for PR services also grows. Additionally, along with the ASEAN Economic Community era that opens the boundaries for multinational industries, foreign brand owners ock to Indonesia to build their brand equity. In this potential market, Fortune PR (holding the top position in the PR consultancy competition in Indonesia) feels increasingly more challenged to demonstrate its best performance.

With its reputation, Fortune PR manages to maintain the highest level of customer retention. This has been proven by the loyalty of Fortune PR’s partners that have been maintained in various countries, who always return to Fortune PR to support their PR service needs in Indonesia.

PT Fortune Adwicipta

PT Fortune Adwicipta (FACT) delivering Graphic Design and Exhibition services for corporate and commercial clients. With the solid support of its human resources and adequate infrastructure, FACT’s positive performance continues to be recognized by its business partners and has brought FACT to major brand activation contracts. FACT continues to challenge itself with deeper understanding of digital content so that it is able to realize focused and pertinent strategies. FACT also continues to update their knowledge on developing trends so that its services continue to grow and are able to meet clients’ objectives.

PT Fortuna Network Indonesia

PT Fortuna Network Indonesia (FNI) provides integrated marketing communication services overseeing three businesses: media specialist, creative agency, and sports marketing. Throughout the course of its business, FNI has consistently exhibited aggressive growth. This has been proven by its revenue results that always exceed targets and provides signi cant revenue contribution to FORU. Moreover, the sports marketing business division of FNI (FSports), managed to show positive growth within three years by gaining the trust to represent ESPN Indonesia and Manchester City soccer club in Indonesia.

FNI has never been satis ed with just optimum performance. The spirit of innovation and creativity is kept lit to encourage the FNI team to always provide the best. The entire management team and FNI’s human resources are always optimistic in facing the business challenges that lie ahead and always expect to generate better business prospects in the coming years.